Professional Development (PD) Core

The PD Core is a primary MW CTR-IN support service core that aims to help faculty get the professional development support needed for successful research projects


The Professional Development (PD) Core provides a centralized, coordinated training and mentoring resource that is tailored to the needs of individual investigators across our network. We aim to support the understanding and growth of NIH-funded independent clinical and translational research (CTR) in the Mountain West IDeA states.

The PD Core was formerly termed “Clinical Research Education, Mentoring and Career Development” (CREMCaD). The name change reflects a greater emphasis on coordinated career development for lead investigators and also other members of the CTR teams. However, the overall goals and many of the original activities of CREMCaD have been retained as we continue to develop the program.

 Key Elements

The PD Core provides consultation and collaboration support for investigators with the following needs (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Leveraging connections throughout the MW CTR-IN Program’s Network in order to take advantage of unique research education training resources (*Accessible through the MW CTR-IN Portal)
  • Grant Writing Workshops (GWWs) that are tailored to investigators’ needs (Advanced & Beginner Level Workshops)
  • Access to the Ambassador Translational Research In Progress (ATRIP) Program, which serves as a forum for Early Stage Investigators to discuss their research in progress, research proposals, CTR skills enhancement opportunities, and obtain feedback from their MW CTR-IN University Partner Peers and Senior Faculty with expertise in clinical and translational sciences
  • Rigorous grant application review and mentoring experience tailored for Early/Mid-Stage Investigators through the Advance To Funding (ATF) Program
  • Effective, innovative mentor training that offers flexible mentoring and consultation arrangements (Faculty Mentor Development Program)

Core Faculty & Staff

Professional Development Core Director
Advance To Funding (ATF) Program Director
Grant Writing Workshop (GWW) Program Director
Ruben Dagda, PhD

Professional Development Core Associate Director – Education Unit
Ambassador Translational Research In Progress (ATRIP) Program Director
Brach Poston, PhD

Core Resources

(*MW CTR-IN Portal account registration may be required to access some of the resources below) 


Need Further Professional Development Help?

To request support from the PD Core and for more information on the MW CTR-IN Intake Form, please click the buttons below: 
(Please note, Non-Faculty Members are ineligible to submit an intake form)

Envelope Icon

Contact Us

To contact the MW CTR-IN Administrative Core by phone, you may call (702) 895-1079 between 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays. Or, you may email us at at any time.